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Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween offers many opportunities for family fun. Following these tips will ensure that children and adults enjoy a safe, happy holiday.

“Pre-Treat” Them
Serve your child a Halloween dinner before trick or treating.
Bring sweets from home for your child to eat while trick or treating.
Inspect your child’s collection of treats before he or she eats them.

Dress Them Right
Dress your child in light-colored clothing and/or use reflective tape to improve visibility.
Cut large eyeholes in masks, or use face paint, to ensure your child can see clearly.
Equip your child with a flashlight if trick or treating after dark.

Review the Basics
Walk on sidewalks, not in the street.
Look both ways before crossing the street.
Accept candy at the door and never go into a stranger's house.
Visit homes that have the porch light on.

Stay Together
Don't let a child under 12 “trick or treat” without an adult.
Maintain a ratio of one adult to every two trick-or-treaters.
Pin a piece of paper with your child's name, address, and phone number to the inside of the costume.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration provides additional information about Halloween safety.