Welcome to Indian Oasis


A Message From Our Team

Dear Students and Families,

Welcome back to another exciting school year at Indian Oasis Middle & High School (IOMHS)! As we embark on the 2024–2025 academic year, I am filled with great anticipation and enthusiasm for the opportunities that lie ahead.

At IOMHS, our mission is to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential. This year, we are dedicated to continuing our focus on personalized learning, innovative teaching practices, and strong community partnerships to support our students' diverse needs.

We understand that alternative education offers unique challenges and opportunities, and we are committed to providing a supportive and flexible learning environment tailored to each student's individual journey. Our dedicated staff has been working diligently over the summer to prepare engaging and meaningful learning experiences that will inspire our students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

To ensure a successful start to the school year, we have three important updates and reminders:

  1. First Day of School: Classes will begin on July 25, 2024, and we are excited to welcome our students back to campus.
  2. Communication: Please keep an eye on our school and district websites and your email for regular updates and important information. Student progress reports will be emailed weekly. Our goal is to maintain open and transparent communication with all our families.
  3. Parent/Guardian Involvement: We encourage all parents and families to get involved in our school community. Your partnership is vital to the success of our students, and we welcome your participation in school events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities.

We are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive school culture where every student feels safe, respected, and motivated to learn. Together, we can make this school year a memorable and successful one for all our students.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our school. We look forward to working together to make the 2024–2025 school year an outstanding experience for everyone.

Warm regards,

Barrett Fox, Principal
Indian Oasis Middle & High School 

2024–2025 Principal Letter